Monday, January 21, 2013

Good morning - back on track

Well, it wasn't the best week of eating I've ever had, but still managed to lose 4 pounds since last Monday.  I ate enough to only lose 1 pound, but the scale tipped in my favor this morning.  Finally, a new lowest low.  I continue to be well above my target rate for the entire span, but the lowest low was just the morale boost I needed.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

When I don't post

When I don't post, it's not good news.  It means I've been slacking.  The ugly truth is that the trifecta of my birthday, Christmas, and New Year's Eve/Day threw me off track.  I never gave up completely, but I certainly wasn't giving it my all.  The good news is that I kept exercising throughout my slacking period; I just didn't diet.

The end result is that I managed to gain 9 pounds since my lowest low on 12/19, peaking on 1/5.  Since 1/5 I've really stuck to dieting and exercise.  As of today, I'm only 1 pound heavier than I was on 12/19.  As always, weight doesn't tell the whole story...

Today was a double-witching day. It's the completion of the 4th month of my diet & exercise program, and a body fat measurement day (done on 6-week intervals).  In the last 6 weeks I've dropped my body fat percentage to 30% (down from 31%), gained 2 pounds of lean mass, and lost 3 pounds of fat.  Ideally, I'd gain 2-3 pounds of lean mass in that period and lose 14-15 pounds of fat.

Still, I'm calling this a win.  It was unrealistic for me to think I could lose weight through the holidays.  I'm getting fit to extend and enjoy my life - not to live and eat in a world of constant self-denial.  I'm hoping that the worst of it is behind me now and I can go through the next 6 weeks dropping fat and gaining muscle at a healthy rate.

When I manage to get in front of a webcam tonight, I'll post a new head shot comparison.  I expect it'll look about the same as the last time.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Poop and Circumstance

When I'm pooping, I wave my arm during the movement like a conductor building up to the chorus of Pomp and Circumstance. I can't be the only one that does this, right?

This is why you're fat.