Thursday, November 8, 2012

Angry Eating

I'm pissed at something that was beyond the control of all involved, and since it's dinnertime, I'm hungry.  REALLY hungry.  And I'm brooding.  Anger is one of my big food-binge triggers.  I get so angry that I start eating whatever I want and no one will tell me otherwise.  I get angry at myself for eating like that and I just eat some more.  I'm scowling right now.  If I weren't home alone with the kids, I'd take some of this negative energy to the gym and just work it out.  Instead, I'm posting here and getting angrier at little stuff.  I'm angry that there aren't a lot of good food choices in the house right now (there probably are, but I'm blinding myself).  I'm angry that I'm going to have to drink protein shakes to reach my calorie goal instead of a beer.  I'm angry that I'm on a diet because I haven't had the self-control to eat normal portion sizes my whole life.  I'm just angry.  And hungry.  Go piss off while I drink this gritty, artificially sweetened, excessively saccharine chocolate peanut butter drink that's nothing more than powdered Ensure.

Not quite as menacing as I feel.  Channeling 70's TV, I think to myself, "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry."

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