Sunday, December 30, 2012
One more day of holiday gluttony
So to one more day of crackers & cheese, pigs in blankets, and a myriad of cakes, pies, puddings, and custards - Cheers!
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Saturday, December 22, 2012
Went to the doc
When the doc reviewed with me last time, I thought he said that I was prediabetic, but he must have said that my soft round middle was getting me close to it. My glucose numbers were at the upper end of normal, but it wasn't bad. Anyway, this time they ordered up the super-glucose test. It should be fine.
In terms of immediate feedback, my blood pressure was good. 120/70. I was also told to just keep doing what I'm doing and not to concern myself with "carb cycling," but also that there wasn't any harm in distributing more of my calories to protein. I was told not to concern myself with BMI or specific body fat percentages. Just choose whole grains over refined grains, monitor your calorie consumption, etc. Everything I already knew. Overall, it just confirmed that I'm losing at a healthy rate doing the right things to progress and maintain once I reach my goal.
Thursday, December 20, 2012
Stuff Fat Guys Can't Do #4 - Go to the doctor
And there I was at 8 years old or so staring at the glossy handout the doctor gave us. It had hand drawn pictures of food with avoid-good-better-best categories. About the only thing I really learned from it is that doctors call donuts sweetbreads. Little did I know that sweetbreads were actually something entirely different. I didn't learn fitness. I didn't learn healthy eating; only that doctors say that donuts are bad. Fuck 'em. Donuts ARE good!
Those experiences at the kid doc set the tone for my relationship with doctors for the rest of my life. I've gone to great lengths to avoid going to the doctor. I don't want him or her to call me obese. I just don't want to hear the words again. And it is (was?) getting worse. Ever since I settled into my 30's, the doctor wants to draw blood and point out "trivial" things like high triglycerides, LDL-this, HDL-that, elevated blood pressure, and glucose readings that indicate that I'm abusing my pancreas.
I'm afflicted with debilitating seasonal allergies. For the last 4 years I've avoided going to the doctor for allergy meds. Instead I'll go to the CVS Minute Clinic where a nurse practitioner basically has me fill out a questionaire and writes a 'scrip for a modern antihistamine laced with speed. It works for me. But the ghost that haunts me is that blood work. I don't go to the doctor because I don't want to know how much worse it's gotten. I'm the child who hasn't studied and plays sick on the day of the test.
Well, I've done some cramming these past three months and tomorrow is my make-up exam. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't* terrified. Here's to hoping that my numbers have improved since 4 years ago. It's a shame that my fear kept me from establishing a baseline when I started this quest 3-4 months ago.
* weren't? Subjunctive conjugation is sorely lacking in colloquial American English and I'm unsure if I did it correctly. For the uninitiated:
Incorrect: "If I was smarter, I'd understand this."
Correct: "If I were smarter, I'd understand this."
Will I be able to do it today?
Onward. So today is going to be challenging. I've tried to set some realistic expectations for the day:
- Today is a personal training day, so we did strength training. I'm not doing cardio on my birthday if I can avoid it. Plus I've done cardio for 13 days in a row. I need a break.
- I'm going to eat some junk food - White Castle & Birthday Cake. It's gonna happen. Oh, and burritos and wings for dinner.
- I can still do this and come in "under budget"
Monday, December 17, 2012
Friday, December 14, 2012
Winner, Winner. Chicken Dinner.
And the more interesting bit for me was the cost per 100 grams of protein...
This is going to be harder than I thought
So today we don't have a plan for dinner; well, at least not one that's reasonable for a diet. My wife is going to get subs from Primo Hoagies, and there's just no way I can make that work. They make huge subs loaded with stuff - and they're really expensive. I'll be damned if I'm going to just order a plain turkey sub and pay $15 for it. It'll be egg whites for me tonight and then off to the gym after that.
I've got 2 hours of exercise planned for the night because I'm having trouble reaching my protein target without doing that. I can't do it every day so that's where the "difficult" part comes in. I have to model some meal plans to see where I can accomplish my goals given a set of restrictions.
- Eat what's prepared at home for dinner - no watching everyone else eat a healthy meal while I drink my dinner out of blender bottle
- Eat breakfast everyday
- Eat an ice cream sandwich everyday
- Eat a "dry" hoagie from the restaurant in my office's lobby every work day (the cost is subsidized... can't beat a turkey sub for $2.50.)
- Breakfast
- 1 cup oatmeal
- 1 Tbsp Peanut Butter
- 400 calories
- Strength/Resistance Training
- 1 hour
- -250 calories
- Snack #1
- 2 scoops protein powder
- 310 calories
- Lunch
- Turkey hoagie, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Hot Sauce
- 530 calories
- Snack #2
- 2 scoops protein powder
- 310 calories
- Dinner
- Mix & Match Baked Pasta (just a recipe I pulled from my DB that might be something like my wife would make for dinner)
- 482 calories
- Snack #3
- Ice Cream Sandwich
- 1 scoop protein powder
- 265 calories
- Breakfast
- 2 cups egg whites
- 1/2 cup oatmeal
- 400 calories
- Workout
- Strength/Resistance Training
- 1 hour
- -250 calories
- Elliptical
- 15 minutes
- -150 calories
- Snack #1
- 2 scoops protein powder
- 310 calories
- Lunch
- Turkey hoagie, Lettuce, Tomato, Onion, Hot Sauce
- 530 calories
- Snack #2
- 2 scoops protein powder
- 310 calories
- Dinner
- 1/2 serving of Mix & Match Baked Pasta (just a recipe I pulled from my DB that might be something like my wife would make for dinner)
- 10 ounces of chicken
- 491 calories
- Snack #3
- 2 cups egg whites
- 253 calories
- TOTAL: 2300 kcal (1900 net kcal) / 287g protein
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Why am I not gaining muscle mass?
Is there anything more discouraging than being criticized? I love criticizing people, but I hate being critiqued. And so it's been with my nutrition. I'm smug and I "know" that I know better. I told my trainer as much when she first started reviewing my food logs. I said, "Look, it's the calories. That's how you lose weight." That's still true. But then I said, "If what you're saying [about protein requirements] is true, I'm going to have to learn the hard way." And I
Let's consider some numbers:
- 34% body fat - that's where I started
- 32% body fat - 6 weeks in
- 31% body fat - 12 weeks in
I figured the right number for me is probably 2.4g/kg*day. Doing that alone is a piece of cake (or maybe I should've said steak). Doing that while losing weight? Ridiculously difficult. Here's why:
Monday, December 10, 2012
Thursday, December 6, 2012
Stuff Fat Guys Can't Do #3 - Breathe
Heavy breathing is fine when you're doing something where exertion is to be expected. Run any distance and huffing-and-puffing is ok. Picking up the keys you dropped, not so much. Not-so-fat people just breathe. Their heart rate doesn't skyrocket just by carrying in the mail. But the tubbier among us know that doing anything can make you breathe heavier, and people are listening. They can hear you breathe, and if you stand too close, they can feel it too.
If breathing when awake weren't tough enough, consider what happens when the porkers among us breathe at night - or rather don't breathe. Sleep apnea. It started with my wife complaining nightly that I snored. I blamed it on my seasonal allergies. That wasn't just an excuse at first. I legitimately get really congested from April-June and again for a shorter time in the fall. But my snoring was continuing past the allergy season. I was snoring every night.
My own snoring would start to wake me because my snoring wasn't really snoring at all; it was apnea. I'd wake up gasping for air. I'd lie awake scared absolutely shitless that I was about to die. I'd worry myself to the point of insomnia. So I'd head downstairs and eat my worries away. Nothing like a full belly with lots of milk and carbs to lull me back into a quasi-coma.
Once I fell back asleep it would happen again - only this time my mouth would be filled with vomit because all the food I ate sat in my belly, churned in my stomach acid and stressed open my esophageal sphincter. The apnea would cause my insides to convulse and I'd be greeted with a cottage cheese-laden mouthful of vomit. Ain't nothin' pleasant about choking and then not being able to breathe until you can bolt to the toilet to spew out your shame.
I think I'm out of the woods now with any serious sleep apnea, but if you see me tight-lipped and turning red in close quarters, encourage me to exhale. I promise I wasn't eating Funyuns.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Losin' It!
Monday, December 3, 2012
Sunday, December 2, 2012
An ugly week forthcoming
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Anticipation. An tiss ih pay yay shun
Is making me wait.
On another biz trip, but so far I'm knocking this diet out of the park. I can't wait to get home and find a scale so I can see the result of how well I've done.
My numbers have been screwed up for a couple weeks now. Partly because my diet has been not as good as it should, but mostly because there was someone tinkering with the scale at the gym and I decided to switch my daily weigh-ins to Wii Fit.
I predict that when I weigh myself on Sunday, I'm going to see a big drop down below that blue line on my progress chart. Here's to hoping!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
At the airport again
I thought I'd do the right thing and pack some protein powder to "eat" for meals where there aren't good choices - airports, continental breakfasts, etc. And for my good deed, I managed to get stopped by security for having a prodigious pack of peculiar powder. They didn't seem to care about the substantial traces of pool chemicals all on my person
Friday, November 23, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
BTW... You know what's nasty?
Regaining Control
Still, I'm back on track today. One day at a time and all that stuff. I make the best choices when I plan them out in advance. I really need to develop a strategy for what to do when I'm hungry, and I need to do that when I'm not hungry. I know the drill... "keep healthy snacks handy" but I just lost the will power for a bit to even be able to follow that advice.
I figure giving myself a more tangible short-term goal might motivate me to do well, so I've made a mini-goal for myself of losing another 10 pounds by my birthday - exactly 30 days from today. To do this I'll be hitting the gym every day again and I'll need to stop eating all the additional calories I expend there. <crosses fingers>
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
Flying Blind
Sweet Jesus, I will never drink again
Drinking that much ruined my progress for days. First, there are the calories in the alcohol. Then there's the hangover and the food you eat to help you feel better. No significant exercise during that time either. Even two days later I still felt like crap and my workout was seriously compromised.
I won't even tell you what the scale said when I got on Monday morning. Seriously, it was so bad that I'm convinced the scale was broken and if not, then it was just violating the laws of physics.
Don't drink and diet. Just don't do it. A beer that's planned and accounted for on the weekend? Fine. One. Beer. Just don't get smashed. It's hardly worth it in "normal" life, but just forget about it if you're losing weight; well, that or forget about losing weight.
Friday, November 9, 2012
Going to a wedding
Thursday, November 8, 2012
Angry Eating
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Not quite as menacing as I feel. Channeling 70's TV, I think to myself, "You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." |
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
Plateau. There. I said it.
I've avoided saying it thus far. I don't like to think that I'm on some sort of diet plateau, but take a look at the chart. In the last 2 weeks (since 10/22), my weight pretty much hasn't changed. What gives? Well, for starters I changed my diet. I'm eating tons more protein. But I might also be slacking a little. If you look at the calorie chart, I've been eating a little more. Also, I think I'm not coming back from my workouts as sweaty as I did in the beginning. The exercises seem to be getting easier... at least the cardio. Tonight I decided to push it a bit more. I bumped up the resistance on the elliptical, so we'll see how it goes over the next few weeks.
Monday, November 5, 2012
Trash Pickin'
Stuff Fat Guys Can't Do #2 - Sit in rows B or E when flying
I'm in 21B. You can send flowers to 21A & 21 C. |
When you can't (or barely) fit in the seat, the seat belt is another problem. There's the fear and anxiety that you're going to have to press the call button and ask for an extender. So far, I haven't reached that level, but I swear every time I go on a plane, I think that they might shorten the belts to save a buck. The extender isn't the only problem. When you hit the seat's upper (outer?) limits, you have to plan carefully how you sit, lest you sit on the belt. Airplanes are so full of shame - and jive-talking grandmothers.
* Shit, she's dead.
Saturday, November 3, 2012
Donuts, Donuts Everywhere
Thursday, November 1, 2012
Stuff Fat Guys Can't Do #1 - Ride Rollercoasters
Depending on how fat you are and where you carry that weight, you might not be excluded from every ride. How will you explain your sudden fear of coasters after you've made it onto the steel looper, but don't want to try the old wooden out-n-back racer? Who'll believe your affinity for the sea lion show as you skulk away from the inverted coaster? You see, there are a small number of restraint types each with different body restrictions. Just ask your sumo-sized buddies - none of the seats are comfortable and all of them are embarrassing.
Take the classic wooden racer - Cyclone (Coney Island), Rolling Thunder (Six Flags Great Adventure), Comet (Hersheypark) or any other wooden coaster made by the Philadelphia Toboggan Company. They all use the same seat. It's 15" wide, pad-to-pad. Even for the newly obese this is tough to fit in. Assuming you can squeeze your posterior into the compartment, you've still got the nipple-high lap bar to contend with. And speaking of lap bars, they're almost always set with 1 bar for 2 people. Two of us fatties can't fit in the same car shoulder-to-shoulder. That means our svelte companion rides without adequate restraints.
And once you experience that, the entire park becomes off-limits. Too fat for the coasters. Too ashamed to even try the carnival rides. But hey, the concession stand is always open. You guys go ride. I'm too motion sick from the carousel. Is that the Manfred Mann Earth Band tribute band I hear playing? I'll check them out and go get us some funnel cakes for when you're off the ride. No really, I don't mind waiting a couple hours while you have fun. Go on, get going. I'll hold your stuff!
Monday, October 29, 2012
Falling off the rails
Some of this is also just normal fluctuation, but I do not like the trend I'm seeing on the chart. For weeks it was a steady up/down on my dailys. Last week it leveled off and just started gradually curving upwards.
Hurricane Sandy has cancelled my business trip and my PT appointment, but I'm about to head to the gym anyway. I've got to get some movement in today before the storm gets really bad. Now that I don't need to salivate over a Double-Double, I'm taking this week and sticking to my food calorie limits with no credit for exercise. It's time for a market correction, so to speak.
Wish me luck!
Friday, October 26, 2012
In-N-Out Burger, Business Meals, & Free Cookies
So I'll be working all day, having dinner and a few drinks with colleagues, and then settling down with a good burger and some free cookies. This will happen all 4 nights (or more, if I can't make it through lunch). It's got FAT WEEK written all over it. Oh, and I'll be doing this once a month for the next 6 months or so.
At least that's what would've happened if I hadn't made a commitment to fitness. Sure, I'm not going to leave Cali without a burger; and yes, I'll be eating out every night and I'll be socially and professionally compelled to have a drink. But I'll plan for it. I'll make it to the hotel gym in the mornings, and I'll stay near my target calorie intake.
And if the In-N-Out bURGEr strikes, I blame Donny. Shut the fuck up, Donny.
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Is it still Cooking Light if you eat 3 servings?
This is one of those posts.
Today's been a pretty good day for macronutrients. 25% fat, 35% carbohydrates, and 40% protein. Calorie distribution hasn't been bad either. 987 for breakfast, 530 for lunch, and 690 for dinner. No early morning/late night binges. I lifted weights in the morning. I made sure to get a fair amount of carbohydrates before the workout. After the workout, it was 450 calories from protein powder/shake. Lunch was a hoagie w/ no cheese. No worries about mayo; I hate the stuff.
So dinnertime came around and I'm hungry, but no more than usual. Tonight's dinner is a beef stir-fry. The recipe is from Cooking Light. It's almost entirely beef. I ate all that we had - 3 servings. So why am I still so hungry? I'm sure that most of it is in my head, but what isn't?
My strategy is to load up on calorie free liquids throughout the night and otherwise occupy myself with stuff... like writing a blog post about being hungry.
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
Feeling weak
Short food summary:
Late night Gremlin binge (feeding after midnight): 1803 kcal
Breakfast: 0 kcal
Lunch: 540 kcal
Dinner: 350 kcal
It was no carbs after lunch, and even for lunch the only significant carbs were in the wrap/tortilla... and THEN I followed those no-easy-energy meals with the elliptical for 55 minutes. Ugh.
Today's progress chart:
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Making progress... |
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... but paying the price. Look at the net kcal vs food kcal bars today |
Saturday, October 20, 2012
Day 3 of The Head & Chest Cold
On the bright side, I'm still staying under my calorie limits because eating isn't giving me much pleasure when my sense of taste and smell are severely reduced. Did I mention the nausea from nasal drip? MmMmMm MmmMMmMmm GOOD!
It's also another cake-day here. Happy birthday to my daughter!
Thursday, October 18, 2012
One month in & I hate Burpees
Not bad, right? That's 11 pounds in 4 weeks. If you're counting the actual days, yesterday was really a month, but I didn't make it to the gym. I caught a cold from my kids. It's worse today, but I went to the gym anyway. I had an appointment with my personal trainer. God bless accountability.
Today's gym session wasn't my greatest. It was lower body AIT training. I have no idea what AIT stands for, but it probably sounds less daunting than KYHRUUYASDTYFLYWPO (Keep Your Heart Rate Up Until You Are So Dizzy That You Feel Like You Will Pass Out). I can't remember exactly what we did, but today's routine looked something like this:
- Do this circuit 3 times:
- Jumping Jacks (30 seconds)
- Step-Ups (30 seconds)
- Burpees a/k/a Squat Thrusts (10 reps)
- Do this circuit 3 times:
- Weighted Squats (15 reps)
- Leg Extensions (15 reps)
- Deadlifts (15 reps)
- Run.
- Alternating Lunges (20? 30?)
- More Burpees
- Calf Raises
- This thing where I step on and off the bench 20 times while holding dumbells
- Wall Squat holds with weight
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
Decision to see a Personal Trainer
I occasionally surfed to the local gym's website. They offered a free
I went to the consultation. Sure, it was designed to get me to sign up, but it wasn't the hard sell and never-ending contract that I expected. It involved some measuring, some fitness tests, and yes, some sales pitching. The test put it down on paper for me. Black and white. Man In the Mirror. Beat It. Wait, no. That's Michael Jackson. I was in bad shape and probably set a high score for body fat percentage.
I decided to sign up, not just for the gym, but for the training. I need the accountability. I can count to 15 on my own, and look up routines, but a trainer teaches me proper form, designs my workouts, and makes the time I spend in the gym more efficient. A trainer pushes me when I'd otherwise take it easy. But it's keeping the appointment and knowing that I have to have already gotten in my cardio when I get there that gives me the accountability.
So now I've got a fitness plan. I show up, do what I'm told, and by the time the pool is in, I should be ready to show off my stretch marks.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Finding the time
I mostly go to the gym in the morning, but not this morning. Last night I was awake until 3am doing some past-due paperwork for my job. There was no way I was waking up at 2 hours later to get some cardio in. Yet I knew that I had to find the time today. The first available time I had to go was after 10pm.
Sometimes, you just gotta find the time.
* Edited to add: In case it wasn't clear, I found the time tonight... and now I'm hungry.
Monday, October 15, 2012
Calculating your daily calorie needs
A Birthday Party
Saturday, October 13, 2012
My Inspiration, Part 3
Now you wouldn't look at her and think that she's fat. I doubt you'd even call her "pleasantly plump." She's just large compared to her peers. You might have even dismissed the doctor's warning. But I was worried. I was worried of a lifetime of teasing. Of being picked last. Of self-hate. Of never ending anxiety. Of failing as a father to set a good example - or worse, enabling it all to happen.
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Not the body I imagine as "at risk" for obesity |
Now her 6-year-old checkup is on coming up fast, and just like when you eat healthfully in the days leading up to your own checkup, I needed to start setting a better example... but I'm still a sucker for Mario.
Good Morning!
Friday, October 12, 2012
Pizza Night & Exercise Calorie Credit
My inspiration, Part 2
I was asked by a close friend to be his child's godfather. I was honored. I still am honored; but I was also anxious. I knew that this meant being in pictures. In a suit. In front of everyone. I didn't have a suit that fit, but I had plenty of time. Surely I was just going to lose some weight to fit back into the old suit starting tomorrow. Yeah, tomorrow. Always tomorrow. I waited for so many tomorrows that it was 2 days before the baptism before I decided to go look for a new suit. Before George Zimmer started guaranteeing that I'd like the way I look, he used to sell his suits by talking about businessmen being able to get the clothes they needed very quickly. He was the Domino's Pizza of suits.
I thought for sure that I was going to be laughed out of Men's Wearhouse when they took the tape to my chest and waist. And when I walked in wearing a pair of cargo shorts and a polo, no one even looked at me.
Thursday, October 11, 2012
Today's food
Let's look at how I did today: